Cottage Children's Medical Center "Faith"
Land O' Lakes "The Farmer"
Samsung "Finding It"
P&G Always "Emojis"
GOOD Cities Project "Capturing the Culture of our Nation's Capital"
BAND-AID "Untappables"
Toyota "Father's Day Redo"
Cottage Children's Medical Center "Faith"
Land O' Lakes  "The Farmer"
Samsung "Finding It"
P&G Always "Emojis"
GOOD Cities Project "Capturing the Culture of our Nation's Capital"
BAND-AID "Untappables"
Toyota "Father's Day Redo"
Cottage Children's Medical Center "Faith"
Land O' Lakes "The Farmer"
Samsung "Finding It"
P&G Always "Emojis"
GOOD Cities Project "Capturing the Culture of our Nation's Capital"
BAND-AID "Untappables"
Toyota "Father's Day Redo"
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